Solar Proceedings
To be directed to the appropriate section heading, click on a link below:
- Successor Solar Incentive Program (SuSI)
- Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
- Solar Transition and Transition Incentive Program
- Legacy Solar Registration Program (SREC)
Successor Solar Incentive Program (SuSI)
- Order regarding New Trade Ally Categories 02.14.24
- Secretary of NJBPU Letter Clarifying the Co-Location SuSi rules 08.11.23
- SuSI Solar Incentive Affidavit for Co-Located Solar Facilities 08.11.23
- Solar Cost Cap Rule Adopted 06.20.22
- Successor Solar Incentive Program Rule Adopted 02.22.22
- Extension of Time to Comment on SuSI Program Rule Proposal 10.27.21
- Solar Cost Cap Rule Proposal 09.07.21
- Successor Solar Incentive Program Rule Proposal 08.16.21
- Successor Solar Incentive Program Order 07.28.21
- Courtesy Copy Draft Rule Proposal for SuccessApproval Processor Solar Incentive Program 07.14.21
- New Jersey Solar Successor Program: Staff Straw Proposal (Revised) 05.05.21
- Public Memorandum: Updated Staff Recommendations 05.07.21
- Cost Cap Tool Excel Spreadsheet
- Revised SAM Cases for Large Non-Residential Net Metered Cases
- Workshop #1: Incentive Program Design Agenda 04.21.21
- Workshop #4: Incentive Values Modeling and Recommendations Detailed Agenda 05.03.21
- Workshop # 5: Review of Current Proposal and Program Transition Agenda 05.14.21
- Successor Program Capstone Report Staff Request for Comments
- Cadmus New Jersey Solar Transition Draft Capstone Report: Successor Program Review
- Cadmus modeling inputs Excel spreadsheet
- SAM inputs file and instructions on how to download and use this file in SAM
- A stakeholder meeting on the SAM model and inputs was held on August 17, 2020; a recording of the meeting is available here, and the slides presented during the meeting are available here.
- A stakeholder meeting on the draft Capstone Report was held on August 20, 2020; a recording of the meeting is available here, and the slides presented during the meeting are available here.
- Solar Successor Program Webinars Aug 17, 2020 and Aug 20, 2020 08.17.20 and 08.20.20
Administratively Determined Incentive (ADI) Program
- Order Waiving ADI Program Eligibility Rules 01.29.25
- Order of Eligibility Rules for the Customers of Solar Installers that have been Debarred from the ADI Program 12.18.24
- Order Regarding the Certification of EY23 Cost Cap Calculation and Setting ADI Program MW Blocks for EY25 05.22.24
- Order waiving ADI Program Eligibility Rules 02.14.24
- Order regarding Debarred Solar Installers 02.14.24
- Order Regarding the Certification of EY22 Cost Cap Calculation and Setting ADI Program MW Blocks for EY24 (Revised) 05.10.23
- Order Approving ADI Waivers 04.26.23
- Order Regarding the One Year Review of the ADI Program 03.06.23
- 2023 PBI Modeling Results IMO One Year Review of ADI 03.06.23
- Order Reallocating Capacity in the ADI Program 12.07.22
- Webinar Recording of the Stakeholder Meeting on the ADI One Year Review 12.02.22
- Presentation for Stakeholder Meeting on One Year Review of the ADI Program 12.02.22
- Stakeholder Notice Update on the One Year Review of the ADI Program 11.22.22
- Order Waiving ADI Eligibility Rules 10.12.22
- Staff Memo on Implementation of January 2022 ADI Order 09.23.22
- Informational Session and Stakeholder Meeting on TI Program, ADI Program, and ADI Program Disclosure Forms 04.07.22
- Order Waiving ADI Program Eligibility Rules 04.06.22
- Order Modifying ADI Program Eligibility Conditions 01.26.22
Community Solar Energy Program (CSEP)
- Rules Adopted for the Community Solar Energy Program 09.09.24
- Order on Petition regarding a Project's Geographic Limits on Subscribers in the Community Solar Pilot Program 12.20.23
- CSEP Proposed Substantial Changes Upon Adoption 09.18.23
- Order launching the Community Solar Energy Program 08.16.23
- Order Granting and Denying Certain Community Solar Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
Competitive Solar Incentive Program (CSI)
- Order on the Outcome of the Second Solicitation in the CSI Program 04.17.24
- Order regarding Siting Waiver in the CSI Program 01.10.24
- Order regarding Siting Waiver in the CSI Program 01.10.24
- Order on second CSI Program Solicitation 11.17.23
- Siting Rules Adopted for Grid Supply and Large Net Metered Solar 09.18.23
- Order on the Outcome of the 2023 CSI Program Solicitation 07.12.23
- Order Addressing the Price Cap Determination in CSI 03.06.23
- Order Addressing MAREC's Motion on CSI 02.17.23
- Siting Rule Proposal in NJR 02.06 and Correction 02.14.23
- CSI Rule Proposal in NJR 02.06 and Correction 02.14.23
- Order Launching the CSI Program 12.07.22
- Competitive Solar Incentive ("CSI") Straw Proposal and Notice 04.26.2022
- CSI Program Stakeholder Meeting #2 Webinar Recording and Presentation 05.26.22
- CSI Program Stakeholder Meeting #3 Webinar Recording and Presentation 06.01.22
- CSI Program Stakeholder Meeting #4 Webinar Recording and Presentation 06.06.22
- Solar Siting Straw Proposal 03.16.22 (Revised 04.20.22)
- Solar Siting Stakeholder Meeting #1 Webinar Recording and Presentation 03.29.22
- Solar Siting Stakeholder Meeting #2 Webinar Recording and Presentation
- Competitive Solar Incentive Program Stakeholder Meeting Notice 11.01.21
- Slides 11.30.21
- Dual-Use Solar Energy Pilot Program Rule Proposal 12.02.24
- Order Establishing the Dual-Use Pilot Program 10.23.24
- I/M/O Order Waiving Certain Portions of the Irrevocable Standing Order Rule Requirement 12.17.20
- New Jersey Solar Performance Analysis by PJM-EIS GATS 01.08.20
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
- IMO the Modification of the Solar RPS, SACP, Reduction of the QL 02.27.19
- Proposal of RPS Rules to close the SRP 09.16.19
- Adoption of RPS Rules increasing Solar and NJClass I 09.16.19
- IMO the Provision of BGS - Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS") Allocation 12.18.18
- IMO the Modification of the Solar RPS, SACP, Reduction of the QL 10.29.18
Solar Transition and Transition Incentive Program
- Order on Petition for Extension in TI Program 11.17.23
- Order Granting Certain Projects Extension in TI Program 11.17.23
- Order Granting Certain Community Solar Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 10.25.23
- Order on Motion for Reconsideration regarding Denial of Extension in TI Program 10.11.23
- Order on Motion for Reconsideration regarding Denial of Extension in TI Program 10.11.23
- Order on Motion for Reconsideration regarding Denial of Extension in TI Program 10.11.23
- Order on Petition for TREC Factor in TI Program 09.27.23
- Order Addressing Petitions for Extensions in the TI Program 09.18.23
- Order on stipulation regarding floating solar project in TI program 07.12.23
- Order on Petition for Extension in Transition Incentive Program 06.29.23
- Order on motion for reconsideration regarding denial of extension in TI Program 04.23.23
- Order on NJAW Petition for TREC Factor for Floating Solar 02.17.23
- Order on Petitions for Extension in Transition Incentive Program 11.09.22
- Order Granting Certain Subsection t Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Order Granting Certain Public Projects Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Order Denying Petitions for Projects Seeking Extension in TI Program 08.17.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program and Similarly Situated Projects 06.08.22
- Order Clarifying TI Program Post Construction Certification Reguirement 04.06.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 03.09.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 02.23.22
- Transition Incentive Program Rule Amendments Adopted 02.22.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 01.26.22
- Order Addressing Extension Request in Transition Incentive Program 12.15.21
- Extension of Time to Comment on Transition Incentive Rule Proposal 10.27.21
- Webinar: Closing of the Solar Transition Incentive (TI) Program and the Launch of the Successor Solar Incentive (SuSI) Program 08.12.21
- TI Program Rule Amendments for Public Comment 08.02.21
- Closure of the TI Order 07.28.21
- Transition Incentive Program Extension Policy Order 06.24.21
- Cadmus New Jersey Solar Transition Final Capstone Report 01.07.21
- I/M/O TREC Eligibility for Projects Commencing Operations before Program Establishment reissued 12.02.20
- Transition Incentive Program Rule Adoption 10.05.20
- I/M/O Providing Extensions to Solar Transition Projects 07.29.20
- Transition Incentive Rule Proposal 05.18.20
- Navigating New Jersey's Solar Transition Slides 04.28.20
- Navigating New Jersey's Solar Transition Webinar 04.28.20
- Courtesy Copy Draft Rule Proposal for Transition Incentive Program 04.06.20
- I/M/O TREC Base Compensation Schedule 03.09.20
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Meeting March 3
- Transition Incentive Program Clarification Order 01.08.20
- Staff Straw on Defining CEA Cost Caps 01.06.20
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Workshop 3 Notice 12.17.19
- Transition Incentive Program Order 12.06.19
- Revised 2019/2020 Solar Transition Staff Proposal 11.14.19
- Revised 2019/2020 Transition Incentive Staff Straw Proposal 10.03.19
- Modeling Workshop slides 09.06.19
- Request for Comment: 2019/2020 Transition Incentive Staff Straw Proposal 09.13.19
- SolarTransition Consultant Report Supplemental Documents:
- Methodology Inputs and Assumptions (one PowerPoint document and one Excel spreadsheet)
- Detailed Results
- Status Quo Gap Analysis
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Meeting Agenda for 08.28.19
- NJ Solar Transition: Webinar Slide Deck 08.23.19
- SolarTransition Consultant Report Supplemental Documents:
- Solar Transition Stakeholder Workshops
- Consultant Slides Stakeholder Workshop 05.02.19
- Consultant Slides Stakeholder Workshop 06.14.19
- Solar Transition Straw Proposal 12.26.18
Legacy Solar Registration Program (SREC)
- I/M/O Closure of SRP Procedure for Requesting Extended Time to PTO 04.27.20
- I/M/O 5.1% Milestone Attainment SRP Closure Order 04.06.20
- Status Report on 5.1% Milestone for SREC Program Closure 03.31.20
- I/M/O the Closure of the SRP per the Clean Energy Act 03.27.20
- Status Report on 5.1% Milestone for SREC Program Closure 02.28.20
- I/M/O Calculation of the 5.1% Milestone for SREC Program Closure 02.19.20
- Status Report on the 5.1% Milestone for Closure of the SREC Program 02.07.20
- Rule Adoption of Amendments to RPS on SREC Program Closure 02.03.20
- Staff Notice Seeking Stakeholder Input on 5.1% Calculation 01.09.20
- I/M/O Closure of the SREC Registration Program Order 01.08.20
- Pre-Rule Proposal Staff Stakeholder Notice 07.31.19
- Rule Adopted to Amend the NJ RPS SREC Registration Program at N.J.A.C. 14:8-2.4 01.22.19
- Notice for Comments - SREC 14 8 amendments10.12.18
- Rule Proposal on SREC Registration Program Closure, NJR 08.06.18
For solar proceedings prior to 2018, visit the solar proceedings archive.